Although the Animation and Content elements of this project required many man years, the interactive programming was completed over a nine month time period, and delivered in time for the fall software season. In it’s first year, iLumina has sold more than 150,000 copies worldwide, and has become one of the most successful multimedia titles available.
As the Senior Developers of iLumina, we provided the completed product in entirety and was responsible for nearly all programming, development, graphic fine-tuning and more. JT states, ” I am honored to have been a part of this team, which included the vision of Nelson Saba and his team at Visual Book as well as the large content team at Tyndale.”
Within the first month of the product’s release, testimonies came in about how iLumina had been used to win souls for Christ, by bringing the animated Bible to life as had never been seen before.
The Intro Page (Screen 1) highlights the product’s main features, which include the Bible (Screen 2), Encyclopedia (Screen 3), Bible Atlas (Screen 4), Time Travel (Screen 5), Media Center (Screen 6) and more.